צבי פוס

                 Endodontic Center , Dr. Zvi Fuss    03-6499735                 

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What to do after an Episectomy

You have successfully gone through an episectomy – a surgical root canal.  You can return to normal activity on the day of the procedure, but don’t over-exert yourself.  You can go back to full activity on the following day.

There’s usually no pain after the procedure except for some discomfort or dull aches that can be treated with painkillers.  On rare occasions you might develop pain and swelling that would require antibiotics for 5-7 days, depending on the doctor’s orders.

Post-procedure instructions:
1.  Do not rinse the mouth for 24 hours after the treatment.
2. Do not eat anything hard or hot in the 12 hours following the treatment.
3. We recommend putting ice on the area of the procedure for 10 minutes at 10-minute intervals.
4. We recommend that you get back to a light schedule on the day of the procedure, and get back to your full schedule the following day.
5. If you experience pain, you should take some doctor-recommended painkillers.
6. If there’s significant swelling we recommend that you contact the doctor for advice.
7. If you experience bleeding in the area you should contact the doctor immediately.

Get well soon!

The team at the Zvi Fuss, DDS, Endodontic Center.

Click here to learn more about episectomies>>      


  Endodontic Center , Dr. Zvi Fuss 03-6499735 , Glicksberg St. No. 7, Tel-Aviv,  Israelzvi.fuss@gmail.com    © All Rights reserve to Dr. Zvi Fuss

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