צבי פוס

                 Endodontic Center , Dr. Zvi Fuss    03-6499735                 

Zvi Fuss Gallery

Endodontic procedures with
surgical microscope to save teeth

You have been referred to us by your dentist for an endodontic consultation or procedure: a root canal treatment, root canal retreatment or an Apicoectomy.
When you contact the Endodontic Center, Dr. Zvi Fuss we will schedule you for a consultation or treatment at your most convenient time (urgent cases can be handled within 48 hours when possible).  You can also book an appointment without having a referral from a doctor for endodontic procedures only. At the end of the treatment at the center we will refer you back to your dentist with a summary letter, and your x-ray images for the completion of the rehabilitation process since we do only endodontic procedures in our center.
In the first meeting we will take your personal information, medical history, and any other information required to render you the best treatment.  The endodontic procedure will likely take place in the first meeting, though sometimes a second or third appointment may be necessary depending on the scope of the procedure. We need you to bring with you the referral from your dentist (if you received one) and other relevant documents, such as x-rays.  You can email or fax us this information beforehand to make the process more efficient.

What to do after a root canal>>
What to do after an episectomy>>

Go to next page: information for physicians>>         


  Endodontic Center , Dr. Zvi Fuss 03-6499735 , Glicksberg St. No. 7, Tel-Aviv,  Israelzvi.fuss@gmail.com    © All Rights reserve to Dr. Zvi Fuss

בניית אתר השפעה באינטרנט